Barrington RI Lions Super Bowl Squares
How to Play
Thank you for partaking in the 2nd Annual Barrington Lions Super Bowl Squares Contest! Both you and the community can win on Super Sunday!
By selecting at least one $20 square, you'll be eligible to win up to $1,000!
Just follow the 3-part process detailed below for your chance to win.
Part 1 - Square Selection:
- Go either to this 'Enter Picks' link ' or on the tab located at the top of this page. (To keep this window open on a mobile device, simply hold down the link to reach 'Open Link in New Tab'. If on a desktop or laptop, click 'Ctrl-F' to access the 'Open Link in New Tab' link.)
- Click on the number of squares that you wish to select, while also entering your name, email address, and how you wish for your square(s) to appear. The more squares that you purchase, the better your chances are of winning a big payout!
- Click 'Submit Picks' to lock in your pick(s).
Part 2 - Payment: You may pay for your square(s) by clicking on this link to our website. For a step-by-step walkthrough, please see 'Payment Instructions' below.
(As with Part 1, simply hold down the link to reach 'Open Link in New Tab' if on a mobile device. If on a desktop or laptop, click 'Ctrl-F' to access the 'Open Link in New Tab' link.)
Part 3 - Sitting Back & Follow the Fun Unfolding!!!
Upon the earlier of kickoff or of all the squares' selection, we will randomly pick numbers from 0-9 for each team in the Super Bowl and assign that number to a particular row or column.
These numbers represent the last number in the score of each team at the end of a quarter. In other words, if the score is AFC 17 - NFC 14, then the winning square is the one with an AFC number of 7, and an NFC number of 4.
Since this is a fundraiser, 50% of the proceeds will go to the Barrington Lions Club, and the other 50% will be distributed among the participants with a 'Super Square.' Please see 'Winning Breakdown for Sqaures' for an illustration.
If you have a 'Super Square', we will contact you to following the game to arrange payment to you ... all while you bask in the glory of being a 'Super Bowl Square' winner.
Winnings Breakdown for Squares
- End of 1st Quarter: 12.5%
- End of 2nd Quarter: 12.5%
- End of 3rd Quarter: 12.5%
- End of Game: 12.5%
- Payout to Barrington Lions Club: 50%
If you have any questions, please email barringtonrilionsclub@gmail.
Thank you for supporting the Barrington Lions Club. Have fun!
Payment Instructions
- Please click on our club website's link to pay for each entry.
- Click 'Add to Bag', then the 'Go to Checkout' link below.
- If you selected multiple squares, click 'Qty: 1' to access the drop-down menu. (See the illustration below.)
Then, click the number of squares you have selected. - Enter your email address before clicking 'Checkout'.
- Fill in your name and postal address before clicking 'Continue.' (Entering your phone number is optional, but useful for us to contact you if you won... or are interested in joining our club!)
- Click on 'Free Shipping' for under Shipping Method. (We cannot remove this from our payment tab, and apologize for the extra step.)
- Finally, please enter your credit/debit card information before hitting the 'Pay' button at the bottom of the screen.