$20 Grid A - pays quarters, score changes, and Touch Boxes
How to Play
SUPER BOWL - 2/11/2024 - $20 PER BOX - GRID A
View and select a box by using the link at the bottom of this page.
Each contestant is assigned a different set of numbers for each quarter. Numbers picked in random order after boxes are sold and paid, and before Super Bowl Sunday. Payment is DUE: January 30, 2024. If payment is not received, your box may be given away.
Winnings Breakdown for Squares
- End of Game 450
- 1st & 3rd Q 175
- Halftime 200
- Score Changes 500
- Touch Boxes 400
- URL - cost of grid 40
- Admin doing work 60
Score changes - Explanation
You are a winner if the score changes and matches your grid numbers in the aligned quarter. Easiest way to understand this is ……. if the score changes and your numbers match the game score, you win 50. This will occur for ten (10) score changes only. If the game has fewer than 10 score changes, the remainder will be split amongst the winners from this category (a TD = 6 and is a score change. The extra point is another score change.)
If there is less than 10 score changes, the remaining money will be split amongst those winning score change money.
Touch Boxes - Explanation
Also referred to Top, Bottom, Left, Right or North, South, West. East. When you box touches the winner of a quarter, you are a winner. If you are on an end, don't worry as it wraps around. Example: Box 75 wins 2nd Quarter, then you are a winner if you are in any of these boxes: 65, 76, 85, 74
The sheets don’t print well. Font is small on cell. I can’t change that. I will create a PDF. When the numbers get picked, and if you want, drop me a line/text with your email address.
Grid Options
There are four Super Bowl grids: two $10, one $20, one $25. I can open another grid if demand is high.
Select a link below. See rules. Scroll to bottom. Click the link to "Enter Your Picks"
To reserve boxes in a different grid, use the link below.
Grid 10A https://www.superbowlsquares.org/10A
Grid 10B https://www.superbowlsquares.org/10B
Grid 20A https://www.superbowlsquares.org/20A
Grid 25 https://www.superbowlsquares.org/25A
Payment Instructions
Ways to Pay
PayPal To Pay with PayPal, click here
Venmo To Pay with Venmo, click here
Zelle Deborah Clark - TD Bank 551-486-6282